1219 North Magnolia Ave, Heidelberg, MS. 39439-9999 - Jasper County
Property Information:
Property Image 1683828330026-1.docx
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Comments: fcl sale date 5/26/23

  • property Image 1683828330026-1.docx

Foreclosure Sale Information


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For program eligibility requirements to finance through USDA or for more specific information, please contact your local USDA/Rural Development Office.
View USDA/Rural Development Servicing Office Location
All sales are subject to postponement or cancellation at any time. It is recommended that you contact the appropriate USDA RD/FSA office the day before the sale to ensure that it is still scheduled.

J. Tyler McCaughn, PLLC 403 Decatur Newton, MS 39345

The Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1998 requires the Farm Service Agency(FSA) to offer for sale, to beginning Farmer/Rancher applicants, certain farm inventory properties that have been determined suitable for FSA lending programs.  Properties may be offered for sale to those individuals that FSA considers to be qualified beginning farmers or ranchers, and all prevailing claimants in the civil action Pigford vs. Veneman.  Qualifying beginning farmers or ranchers who are prevailing claimants will be given first priority consideration in the purchase of these certain properties.  If more than one beginning farmer or rancher who is a prevailing claimant submits an application, priority within this group will be determined by lottery.  Qualified beginning farmers or ranchers must be in need of FSA credit assistance either in the form of direct FSA financing, an FSA guaranteed loan, or a participation loan.

The listed properties may be subject to easements, rights-of-way, and reservations of records.  If necessary, conservation easements will be recorded with the deed to protect wetlands, floodplains, historical/archaeological resources, or threatened/endangered species habitat.  The property may also contain wetlands that are not protected with a conservation easement that will be subject to other environmental laws such as Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.  If a listed property is being sold to a Beginning Farmer/Rancher applicant and is contaminated with hazardous waste, FSA will undertake corrective action.

Information on beginning farmer or rancher criteria, availability of funding, eligibility for FSA credit assistance, details on any listed property, and necessary application material are available at the FSA office where the property is located.

The government reserves the right to cancel a sale at any time and the right to reject any or all applications or bids.

The Federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act prohibits creditors from discriminating against credit applicants on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age(provided the applicant has the capacity to enter a binding contract); because all or part of the applicant's income derives from any public assistance program; or because the applicant has in good faith exercised any right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act.  The Federal agency that administers compliance with this law is the Federal Trade Commission, Equal Opportunity, Washington, D.C. 20680.

All properties shall be sold to the highest bidder at the sale. Contact your Field or State Office for percentage of purchase price required to be paid by money order or cashier's check at the time of sale.

All properties will be sold 'as is' and will be conveyed through correct form of title transfer without any warranty to condition, size or location of the property or to the state of title to the property.

All properties will be sold subject to utility easements and rights of way of record and utility easements and rights of way that are visible on the face of the earth. All properties will be sold subject to real estate taxes, other taxes and assessments.

Additional terms may be announced at the time of the sale.

All sales are subject to postponement or cancellation at any time. It is recommended that you contact the Farm Service Agency servicing office the day before the sale to ensure that it is still scheduled.

For legal requirements & terms of sale, please contact your local USDA/Farm Service Agency office.

All properties shall be sold to the highest bidder at the sale. Contact your Field or State Office for percentage of purchase price required to be paid by money order or cashier's check at the time of sale.

All properties will be sold 'as is' and will be conveyed through correct form of title transfer without any warranty to condition, size or location of the property or to the state of title to the property.

All properties will be sold subject to utility easements and rights of way of record and utility easements and rights of way that are visible on the face of the earth. All properties will be sold subject to real estate taxes, other taxes and assessments.

Additional terms may be announced at the time of the sale.

All sales are subject to postponement or cancellation at any time. It is recommended that you contact the Rural Development servicing office the day before the sale to ensure that it is still scheduled.

For legal requirements & terms of sale, please contact your local USDA/Rural Development office.